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April 28, 2020

Cheat like no one is watching

You've been shooting in auto mode for a few months now and you are ready to take the next steps in your photographic adventure. If that sounds at all like you, then, I encourage you to read on.

Let's be realistic, no one expects a novice photographer to be able to manipulate their camera settings on the fly. So what if you don't know anything about Aperture, Shutter Speed and Iso? First and foremost, be kind to yourself. Don't be discourage by the overwhelming logic of these and other variables. Stick to it, and eventually you'll master the basics of Photography.

In order to assist you in that journey hamburger-fotospots.com has created an ingenious cheat sheet which details the effects of Aperture, Shutter Speed and Iso in an "extremely simple" manner.

At work, I have my students download a copy of it onto their phones for quick reference. I also print it out on 3x5 index cards and encourage them to carry it in their camera bags if ever they need to refresh their memory.

I believe it's an invaluable resource for the beginning photographer and one I'd like to share with you.

You can download the exposure cheat card here.
author About Author: Misael Virgen is a photographer, editor, educator and life-long learner. He currently teaches Digital Photography in San Diego, CA. Read More...

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